Szukam chętnych na zakup upgrade'u TacView z wersji Standard do Advanced

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Posts: 21
Joined: 2020-05-29 15:06

Flights: 49 (119hs)
Specialized in: Mirage M-2000C

Gildia Rentier


“Dobry plan wykonany natychmiast jest lepszy niż idealny plan wykonany dziesięć minut później. ”
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Posts: 27
Joined: 2021-01-04 21:56

Flights: 89 (255hs)
Specialized in: F/A-18C

Gildia Rentier

3ACS Pilot

VF-31 Naval Aviator

492nd vFS Pilot

Dzięki Kisi za tą zrzutkę :D

Never lead a low or slow

Always lead a high or fast

When low and slow: Fix the low, then the slow

When high and fast: Fix the fast, then the high

Never re-center a high ball in close, but stop the rising ball

Fly the ball all the way to touchdown
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