[132nd] SUN 22nd SEP 2019 1800Z OP URGENT FURY MSN 12

Section for all English speaking guests.
Please post all the Join Ops invitations here.
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Joined: 2019-07-29 10:58

Gildia JointOps Guest

132nd Virtual Wing will conduct our mission #12 in Operation Urgent Fury next Sunday (Sunday 22nd of September) at 1800Z.

We would like to invite the various organizations here in this discord channel to join this event.
We are using latest version of DCS Open Beta and SRS.

We are welcoming both pilots and controllers for this mission. (Just state intentions on the 132nd webside, aircrafts/slots will be added)

For signups , please visit the 132nd Virtual Wing eventpage: http://132virtualwing.org/index.php/page/event?id=1036
For additional information about Operation Urgent Fury: https://132nd-vwing.github.io/OPUF-Brief/

Please spread the word, and we hope for a good event together (If we have many partici_pants signing up, we may spread flights out a little between 1700Z- 2400Z )

For access to the 132nd Discord or the 132nd Virtual Wing website, please PM me and I will provide the necessary details. (I need preferred username and emailadress to create an account)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Posts: 119
Joined: 2019-04-23 00:59

Flights: 186 (501hs)
Specialized in: F/A-18C

Gildia Rentier

Nice :D I hope I will be able to join 8-)

“A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood”
Posts: 8
Joined: 2019-07-29 10:58

Gildia JointOps Guest


I kindly request you and other potential partici_pants to signup on the 132nd eventpage by tomorrow (friday) at 1800Z. I will start working the gameplan and taskings and edit the .miz tomorrow afternoon.

Currently around 25 particpants signed up (3-6 different organizations attending, pending signups), so should be a good, large event

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