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Gildia : PKW Syria: Bitwa o HOMS 1

Event details

Joint Ops:
Date and time:
Thu 12-15 20:30 (Subscribe)
Heavy Role Play [HRP]
Event Server [DCS #1] []
Archived event, you cannot sign in.


Alternatywna wersja historii i wojny domowej w Syrii. Nigdy nie doszło do interwencji rosyjskiej w Syrii, a Baszszar Al Asad został obalony. Jego miejsce zajął prozachodni prezydent, który pragnąc zaprowadzić spokój w kraju poprosił o międzynarodową interwencje ONZ. Jego apel nie pozostał bez odzewu. Międzynarodowa koalicja rozlokowała się w bazach syryjskich celem likwidacji ISIS, którego potęga w międzyczasie znacznie wzrosła. Państwo Islamskie rozlało się po Syrii niczym rak, dokonując zbrodni ponad ludzkie wyobrażenia. Dodatkowo Rosja, której bardzo nie podoba się obrót spraw w regionie postanowiła "po cichu" wspierać ISIS [Read more]

Server stats

Stats errors coused by cases noted in the group rules shall be rised via contact admin.





Take offs









  BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT Mi-8MTV2 Pilot Orzel 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 RTB
  BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT Mi-8MTV2 Pilot Sadow 3 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 RTB
  BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT Mi-8MTV2 Pilot tailor 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 MIA
  BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT Mi-8MTV2 Pilot Mentos 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 RTB
  BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT Mi-8MTV2 Pilot Cat 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 RTB
  BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT Mi-8MTV2 Pilot Arkusz 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 RTB
  CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack AH-64D Pilot Sancho
1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 RTB
  CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack AH-64D Pilot Geno
2 2 0 4 1 1 0 0 RTB
  JOLLY 1 USA/CSAR UH-1H Pilot Viper 3 3 0 1 13 0 0 0 RTB
  PONTIAC 1 USA/Deep Strike F-16C Rosly 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 RTB
  PONTIAC 2 USA/SEAD F-16C Avantar 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 RTB
  PONTIAC 2 USA/SEAD F-16C JankeS 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 RTB
  SAYED SYR/Ground Attack MiG-21bis MikeEthanol 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 RTB
  SAYED SYR/Ground Attack MiG-21bis JacksonHill 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 RTB
  SAYED SYR/Ground Attack MiG-21bis Cichacz 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 RTB
  SAYED SYR/Ground Attack MiG-21bis FastDust 1 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 RTB
  TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS Mi-24P Pilot Andrut 1 1 0 5 1 0 0 0 RTB
  TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS Mi-24P Pilot Krzychoo 1 1 0 0 3 3 0 0 RTB
  TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS Mi-24P Pilot Roadjoker 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 RTB
  TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS Mi-24P Pilot Occultuss 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 RTB


  Slot Signed Pilot Attendance
  DARKSTAR (Newbie friendly)
  ATC / AWACS [Leader] Free Join us!
  Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [Leader] User avatar Orzel
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]

[Available for SGPSz]
  Mi-8MTV2 Pilot User avatar Sadow
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]

[Available for SGPSz]
  Mi-8MTV2 Pilot User avatar tailor
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]

[Available for SGPSz]
  Mi-8MTV2 Pilot Free Join us!
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]

[Available for SGPSz]
  Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [Leader] User avatar Mentos
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-8MTV2 Pilot User avatar Morphine
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-8MTV2 Pilot User avatar Cat
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-8MTV2 Pilot User avatar Arkusz
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-24P Pilot [Leader] User avatar Andrut
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-24P Copilot-gunner Free Join us!
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-24P Pilot User avatar Krzychoo
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-24P Copilot-gunner Free Join us!
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-24P Pilot User avatar Roadjoker
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-24P Copilot-gunner Free Join us!
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-24P Pilot User avatar Occultuss
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  Mi-24P Copilot-gunner Free Join us!
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack
  AH-64D Pilot [Leader] User avatar Sancho
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  AH-64D Strzelec User avatar Gildu
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  AH-64D Pilot User avatar Geno
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  AH-64D Strzelec User avatar Stivi
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  UH-1H Pilot [Leader] User avatar Viper
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  UH-1H Co-Pilot Free Join us!
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  UH-1H Pilot User avatar Robo
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  UH-1H Co-Pilot Free Join us!
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Śmigłowiec]
  PONTIAC 1 USA/Deep Strike
  F-16C [Leader] User avatar Shadow
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Samolot]
  F-16C User avatar Rosly
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Samolot]
  F-16C [Leader] User avatar Avantar
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Samolot]
  F-16C User avatar JankeS
[Required award: Required award Skrzydełka Pilota - Samolot]
  SAYED SYR/Ground Attack
  MiG-21bis [Leader] User avatar MikeEthanol Attendance
  MiG-21bis JacksonHill Attendance
  MiG-21bis User avatar Cichacz Attendance
  MiG-21bis User avatar FastDust Attendance

Sign in log

[2022-12-15 20:38] FastDust signed in for this event MiG-21bis [SAYED SYR/Ground Attack]
[2022-12-15 15:50] Gildu stopped looking for replacement AH-64D Strzelec [CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack]
[2022-12-15 15:49] Gildu started looking for replacement AH-64D Strzelec [CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack]
[2022-12-15 15:32] Andrut changed slot Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-12-15 15:30] Andrut changed slot Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT]
[2022-12-14 22:58] tailor signed in for this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT]
[2022-12-13 23:44] Morphine signed in for this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT]
[2022-12-13 15:37] Viper changed slot UH-1H Pilot [JOLLY 1 USA/CSAR]
[2022-12-13 11:09] Boniek unsigned from this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT]
[2022-12-12 22:53] Roadjoker signed in for this event Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-12-12 01:34] Arkusz signed in for this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT]
[2022-12-07 17:45] Gildu signed in for this event AH-64D Strzelec [CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack]
[2022-12-06 13:07] Geno changed slot AH-64D Pilot [CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack]
[2022-12-06 13:04] Geno signed in for this event UH-1H Pilot [JOLLY 1 USA/CSAR]
[2022-12-05 20:57] Cat signed in for this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT]
[2022-12-03 14:47] Cichacz signed in for this event MiG-21bis [SAYED SYR/Ground Attack]
[2022-12-03 13:28] JacksonHill signed in for this event MiG-21bis [SAYED SYR/Ground Attack]
[2022-12-03 13:23] MikeEthanol signed in for this event MiG-21bis [SAYED SYR/Ground Attack]
[2022-12-01 17:32] Robo signed in for this event UH-1H Pilot [JOLLY 1 USA/CSAR]
[2022-11-30 18:22] Krzychoo changed slot Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-11-29 19:24] Alienzo unsigned from this event Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-11-28 17:25] Krzychoo changed slot Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT]
[2022-11-28 17:13] Beskid unsigned from this event UH-1H Pilot [JOLLY 1 USA/CSAR]
[2022-11-28 16:59] Sadow signed in for this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT]
[2022-11-27 21:44] Andrut signed in for this event Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-11-27 19:03] Krzychoo signed in for this event Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-11-27 18:49] Alienzo changed slot Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-11-27 18:49] Alienzo signed in for this event Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-11-27 18:17] Occultuss signed in for this event Mi-24P Pilot [TOMMYGUN 1 POL/CAS]
[2022-11-27 16:23] Boniek signed in for this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT]
[2022-11-27 15:51] Rosly signed in for this event F-16C [PONTIAC 1 USA/Deep Strike]
[2022-11-27 15:48] JankeS signed in for this event F-16C [PONTIAC 2 USA/SEAD]
[2022-11-27 15:48] Shadow signed in for this event F-16C [PONTIAC 1 USA/Deep Strike]
[2022-11-27 15:46] Viper signed in for this event UH-1H Co-Pilot [JOLLY 1 USA/CSAR]
[2022-11-27 15:46] Avantar signed in for this event F-16C [PONTIAC 2 USA/SEAD]
[2022-11-27 15:46] Sancho signed in for this event AH-64D Pilot [CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack]
[2022-11-27 15:40] Mentos changed slot Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 2 POL/DESANT]
[2022-11-27 15:40] Mentos signed in for this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT]
[2022-11-27 15:33] Orzel signed in for this event Mi-8MTV2 Pilot [BEEPER 1 POL/DESANT]
[2022-11-27 15:32] Stivi signed in for this event AH-64D Strzelec [CHAOS 1 USA/Ground Attack]
[2022-11-27 15:29] Beskid signed in for this event UH-1H Pilot [JOLLY 1 USA/CSAR]

Event log

[2022-12-15 23:59] Wikary Rozegrane
[2022-12-15 23:57] Wikary Rozegrane
[2022-12-15 23:56] Wikary Rozegrane
[2022-12-15 23:54] Wikary Rozegrane
[2022-11-27 19:01] Krzychoo Zaakceptowane
[2022-11-27 15:15] Bartek16194 Zaakceptowane
[2022-11-27 14:54] Krzychoo Do sprawdzenia
[2022-11-27 14:44] Krzychoo Nieaktywne
[2022-11-27 14:25] Krzychoo Nieaktywne
[2022-11-27 14:25] Krzychoo Utworzono